Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Celebrating 10-10-10

10 Things To Donate/Discard/Sell
In 10 Different Ways
To 10 Different Organizations

To celebrate this historic event - the tenth day of the tenth month in the year twentyTEN, this blog is dedicated to "10 Things To Donate/Discard/Sell In 10 Different Ways To 10 Different Organizations."

Usually when I work with clients on a decluttering project, I set up three areas or bags/boxes in the middle of the room and start from one corner and work around the room without distraction to the flow. The three containment areas are dedicated to: Trash, Keep, and Donate/Discard/Sell which is the focus of this piece.

The weather is getting cooler, the apples will have been picked, and the leaves gathered (or not - maybe that's next on the list). Decluttering could very well turn into a fun indoor activity for the entire family. The reward: more space, the ability to find what you need when you need it, the feeling of goodwill having donated to others who are more in need, or just maybe a little cash in your pocket from selling some unwanted items (the holidays are approaching afterall). Or, maybe your reward comes in the form of some nice homemade apple pie. Whatever it may be, here's a list of suggestions to help you get started...

10 Things To Donate/Discard/Sell
1. Computers
2. Clothing
3. Furniture
4. Large Appliances
5. Cell Phones
6. Cars
7. Books
8. Music (CDs, LPs)
9. Childrens' Toys
10. Food

10 Different Ways To Donate/Discard/Sell
1. Donation Centers (Goodwill, Salvation Army) - DONATE
2. Local Libraries (Books, CDs) - DONATE
3. Senior Community Centers (Clothes, Books) - DONATE
4. Organizations helping victims of domestic violence get back on their feet (cell phones, job-related clothing, childrens' toys) - DONATE
5. Religious Establishments (Clothing, Household Items, Food) - DONATE
6. Food Pantries (Note expiration dates) - DONATE
7. eBay, Half.com, Craig's List, eCrater, Bonanzle, Etsy, uBid, iOffer (Books, Music, Appliances, Electronics) - SELL
8. Consignment Stores - SELL
9. Habitat For Humanity (Tools and Jeans that are converted to insulation) - DONATE
10. Trash Removers (1-800-Got-Junk?, Clean Out Your House) - DISCARD

10 Different Organizations To Donate/Discard/ Sell To
1. ThredUp - www.thredup.com (Exchange childrens' clothing)

2. National Furniture Bank - http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nationalfurniturebank.com%2F&h=79300  (DONATE  furniture & they will pick up)

3. Hopeline - http://aboutus.vzw.com/communityservice/hopeLine.html (Donate cell phones to outfit victims of domestic violence) & Cell Phones For Soldiers - www.cellphonesforsoldiers.com (Donate cell phones to returning soldiers)

4. Call2Recycle - http://www.call2recycle.org/home.php?c=1&w=1&r=Y (Recycle all batteries - Alkaline manganese, rechargeable Nickel-cadminum [NiCd] or the cadmium-free alternative nickel metal hydride [NiMH], Lithium-ion or lithium-ion polymer [Li-ion], Lead-acid, Nickel metal hydride [NiMH] and Silver oxide or “button-cell”)

5. Cradles-To-Crayons - http://boston.cradlestocrayons.org/?q=node%2F92 (Donate clothes, cribs, linens, car seats, strollers, safety gates)

6. Walmart (Donate plastic bags & dry cleaning bags), Target (Donate plastic bottles & plastic bags), Whole Foods (Donate plastic bottles, Plastic #5), Aveda (Donate plastic bottle caps), UPS & Mail Boxes, Etc. (Donate packing peanuts & bubble wrap)

7. Cash4Books & Sell Back Your Books  - www.cash4books.net & www.sellbackyourbook.com (Sell textbooks)

8. Wire Fly Trade Ins & Tiger Direct - www.wireflytradeins.com & www.tigerdirect.cexchange.com - (Trade in electronics & get a charity write-off, cash or gift cards. Costco, Best Buy & Sears also have electronics trade-in programs)

9. Donation Town - www.donationtown.org (Donate clothing and other household goods. Charity will come to your home to pick up your donation for free, tax-deductible)

10. Recycling For Pets - www.recyclingforpets.com (Recycle old inkjet and toner cartridges and The House Rabbit Society will give you $2 for every inkjet cartridge and $5 for every toner cartridge).

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